Sprinkler System Services

Keeping Properties Safe and Protected

Our team has over 25 years of experience in installing, inspecting and repairing all types of sprinkler systems including wet pipe, dry pipe, standpipe, pre-action, foam and deluge. They also inspect, test and maintain fire and jockey pumps. Other services include hydrant flow testing and hydrant flushing. Our team has the experience and vast knowledge of fire code to help you make the right choice when it comes to sprinkler and suppression systems in your facility.

Sprinkler and chemical suppression systems require inspections at least once a year to ensure they will properly protect your home or business from a fire.  A single damaged or missing sprinkler head can waste up to 750 gallons of water per hour of operation in some cases. Vermont Life Safety will ensure your sprinkler system stays in working order and up to code with inspections and 24/7 service.

Fires can become deadly in a matter of seconds, forcing an evacuation where assets are left behind. Properly operating sprinkler and suppression systems are essential to curbing the spread of the fire and reducing the loss of lives and possessions.


Fire Sprinkler System Services

Fires can spread quickly. A well-maintained sprinkler system is critical in minimizing damage and stopping fires until firefighters can arrive. Let VLS make sure your sprinkler system is working properly.

We specialize in all types of commercial wet and dry sprinkler systems, backflows, and Fire pumps. We can test, inspect, repair and monitor any size sprinkler systems, as required by NFPA 25.

Additionally, we’re on call 24/7 for any emergency system problems that might arise.

If the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or your local AHJ requires quarterly or semi annual sprinkler service, we’ve got you covered there too! For testing and inspection a VLS technician will help examine the hangers, pipe fittings, sprinkler heads, value supervisory alarm devices, information signage, hydraulic nameplate, test mechanical devices, and  all tags and more to ensure your sprinkler system works properly and is up to code.

  • Gauges

  • Control valves

  • Water flow alarm devices

  • Valve supervisory alarm devices

  • Supervisory signal devices

  • Hydraulic nameplate

  • Hanger / seismic bracing

  • Pipe and fittings

  • Sprinklers heads

  • Spare sprinklers

  • Information sign

  • Fire department connections

  • Valves (all types)

  • Internal piping condition & obstruction investigation

  • State ID & Sticker 

Maintenance Schedule

  • Weekly/monthly inspection of gauges depending on system. (dry, pre-action, deluge and wet systems)

  • 3-month inspection of alarm devices, hydraulic nameplate and fire department connections.

  • 1-year inspection of buildings, hanger/seismic bracing, pipe, fittings and sprinklers.

  • 1-year inspections and testing of control valves, alarm switches, gauges, backflow preventer, anti-freeze loops, fire department connections, and visible piping.

  • 1-year inspection and trip test of dry, pre-action, and deluge systems.

  • 5-year inspection of hoses, containers, and piping. (service as needed)

  • 5-year standpipe testing. (including dry standpipe hydrostatic testing)

  • 5-year internal pipe inspections & obstruction investigations. (see back for more information)

Fire Pump.jpg


Fire Pumps maintain water pressure and are essential for a dry sprinkler systems to function properly.

Without a properly working fire pump, sprinkler system cannot maintain the right air pressure which could cause little to no water flow in the event of a fire.

We sell, install and repair fire pumps of all sizes. We will make sure you have, and will continue to have, a functioning fire pump, so a lack of a water supply will never stop your sprinklers from working.

Backflow annual inspection

Back flow Device Services

To prevent a reverse flow of liquids into your clean water supply, most sprinkler systems require backflow preventers.

We test, inspect, service, and install backflow preventers so your clean water supply can stay clean.


 Contact us today